Thursday, July 1, 2010

Constructing the Death Star... er, I mean... Ecomposter

Constructing the Ecomposter was not a lot like death, despite the warnings.

It came in a box.

The box came from China.

There were lots of pieces in the box, and they went together one by one. First there was one half...

Then there were two.

Two World Cup games after it started, the Death Star... er... Ecomposter, was ready to fill.

What's going in? From left to right, wood ashes (a "brown"), directions (not going in, but useful), a weekend's worth of vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells (the "greens"), and fallen leaves (another "brown").

The idea here is to mix greens and browns in a 1:1 ratio to start, then to keep a happy moisture level thereafter. Load, then spin, daily. And, keep adding until full. Then let finish.

I will admit that it does not look delicious or nutritious right now. It looks like a mold pile waiting to happen, and it's likely to get gross before it's finished. But, provided this whole natural process works as advertised, once it's done, my plants are going to love this stuff!

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